Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fire Safety Event

(click above to enlarge collage)

The Fire Safety Event had something for everyone...

What's the difference between a fire engine and fire truck? Most parents and teachers didn't know.

What number do you call if Mommy or Daddy are not waking up? Important information for preschoolers to know.
Firefighter Ron dressed up in full gear and carried an axe. Then he had toddlers (and preschoolers) give him high fives and touch his gear. This was good exposure therapy for our children since many children hide from firefighters during a fire. The hope is that being exposed to and seeing firefighters in full gear (in a safe environment with parents and teachers) will be an image children will remember and ease their anxiety during a real emergency.

Thank you, Santa Clara Fire Department, for visiting us. We had the most fun boarding the fire engine...again and again and again... :)

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