Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bilingual Music class

On Tuesday, a music teacher from a local music school, Joyful Melodies, held a demo bilingual (Mandarin) music class for children birth to 5 years. We felt this was an interesting concept--to expose children to music and a foreign language at the same time. Since Mandarin exposure is offered to all children, we felt this would be good reinforcement.

Bilingual (Mandarin) music class

We are currently in the process of surveying different music programs to offer as an optional extra-curricular activity for the children, in addition to the daily music/movement time. We'd like to see which program and teacher will be most engaging to our children.

Here is one article sent by our Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee (PTAC) chairperson on the benefits of music in the early childhood classroom:
There are many articles like it.

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